Improve Your Visibility In Poor Weather
On a great day you can see clearly through your windscreen, but those experiences when driving in rain, especially when hit suddenly change your visibility issues very quickly. In winter you have an opposite effect in the morning with ice on your windscreen and it takes some time to clear it and remove it so you can start your journey.
Duxback windscreen treatment is a revolutionary coating which needs to be professionally applied so contact us for details.
How Does It Work?
Duxback is a revolutionary glass treatment that creates a ‘hydrophobic’ surface over glass to keep it clear and has been used on the cockpit glass of Boeing aircraft for years. Tests have shown that it improves visibility in poor conditions by 25% which can improve your reaction time enough to save a life when needing to stop. Research has also shown that visibility is improved by 35% when driving in pouring rain.
Windscreen Visibility Improvement
If you are driving at 40 mph or over the product assists in blowing off rain water or, under this speed gathers it in to large spots rather than spreading which improves visibility greatly. When applied it lasts up to 6 months.
Side Windows
In the winter weather ice doesn’t just apply to the windscreen, but it also applies to the side windows too. When you have ice on the side windows you tend to wind down your window to assist in the clearing of it, but in actual fact you can cause more damage than good by damaging the rubber seal or worse the motor. An application of the product can protect up to 12 months.